A date doctor has a few problems with his own dating and then gets outed as the date doctor. Will love conquer all? Yes, it does get that cheesy.
Will Smith helps guys get in with girls. His formula or whatever he uses, works for those guys. Then he finds a woman he's genuinely interested in with Eva Mendes. Things don't go as well for him. Eva then finds out that he is the date doctor and feels like she's been manipulated. Smith needs to make a self-realization and then win her back.
Movie follows the typical formula: guy meets girl; guy and girl like each other; things go well; guy screws something up; girl gets mad; guy needs redemption. There's nothing new there. And there's not a whole lot new with the movie. There aren't many clever moments in the movie. Kevin James has some good moments as Smith's student. Smith and Mendes have some good moments. The entire movie was pretty much in the previews.
2.75 of 5 shrubs. Slightly above average. Not near as bad as "How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days" since the dialouge wasn't nearly as predictable.
Will Smith helps guys get in with girls. His formula or whatever he uses, works for those guys. Then he finds a woman he's genuinely interested in with Eva Mendes. Things don't go as well for him. Eva then finds out that he is the date doctor and feels like she's been manipulated. Smith needs to make a self-realization and then win her back.
Movie follows the typical formula: guy meets girl; guy and girl like each other; things go well; guy screws something up; girl gets mad; guy needs redemption. There's nothing new there. And there's not a whole lot new with the movie. There aren't many clever moments in the movie. Kevin James has some good moments as Smith's student. Smith and Mendes have some good moments. The entire movie was pretty much in the previews.
2.75 of 5 shrubs. Slightly above average. Not near as bad as "How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days" since the dialouge wasn't nearly as predictable.
I beg to differ with your summary of the plot. Date doctor did nothing wrong. Woman instead goes completely nuts on some half-baked evidence that she didn't even bother completely verifying, which seemed odd to me, given that it wasn't just her friend's pride at stake but also her own future happiness with a man she cared about. Given the extent to which she publicly humiliated Hitch (very dirty and underhanded in my opinion; again seemed very extreme to act in such a manner without having taken more steps to verify the truth) and ruined his career, I found the heroine very annoying and did not like the ending at all. Most of my friends agree with me that the ending did not seem satisfying.
Oh, and yes I do have a DS :) Should I buy Battlefield? I did use to play CS and Quake, but Battlefield seems so pale in the aftermath of WoW.
hufflepuffer, at 1:12 PM
And which of your blogs do you want me to link to??
hufflepuffer, at 4:56 PM
To the plot disagreement: he screwed up in not accepting her in the end and has to chase her down. Or he could have explained his job to her before she found out from somebody else thus avoiding the whole scene.
You can link to whichever blog you wish. This is just something I'm doing on the side and probably won't last past the summer. Thanks for checking in!
Arbusto, at 4:56 PM
How do you like your DS? Which Battlefield?
I can't wait for the Next Gen systems, especially the Nintendo Revolution.
Arbusto, at 5:01 PM
No one should have to accept an apology if they're not ready for it. So the dude had to take a second to think twice about continuing a relationship with such a wacko woman. After all, she did singlehandedly end his career. Yes, he could have told her what he did for a living, but I'm sure there was that whole confidentiality thing he had going with his clients. It would have been weird to tell her that he was the date doctor, but say that he couldn't divulge anything more. Eh, either way the movie was still entertaining to watch most of the way.
The DS is very cool, and draws a lot of attention when I play it in public. The screens are super-sharp, but I haven't really played any game that utilized the double screen feature. I was thinking of getting Battlefield 2, but it doesn't seem like all that from what I have watched my friend play.
hufflepuffer, at 3:10 PM
I played Warioware for the DS in the store. That was a blast and used the second screen. There's a Pacman game that was fun.
I don't know much about Battlefield. I did just break down and buy Civilization III while missing the first game which is by far the greatest game ever.
Arbusto, at 4:14 PM
I solved the problem. I'm bringing my livejournal over here to blogger.
Arbusto, at 3:32 PM
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