Arbusto Goes to the Movies

Monday, April 17, 2006

Quick Recaps

No time to write full reviews but here are my brief reviews of movies I've seen in the past months.

King Kong - 3.5 of 5. Good movie. A fair amount of action. Naomi Watts is great but looks like a rip off of Nicole Kidman. Don't know why the T-Rexs were trying to eat her as she's just a toothpick to her. Gets a big long. I enjoy Jack Black but am not sure I like him in this role.

Crash - 5 of 5. Wow. This movie was fantastic. I see why it won. I love these types of movies where a bunch of different stories intertwine. I nearly cried at one point. I never want to live in a city like L.A. or be a district attorney. I was completely enthralled for the entirety. Don Cheadle and Brendan Frasier are some of my favorite actors.

She's the Man - 3 of 5. Totally Shakespeare. They even use the same names. Was a fun movie. Entertaining and funny. The man act does get a bit over the top for me but I'm sure women like it. Worth a watch.

Howl's Moving Castle - 4.5 of 5. This was awesome. I was totally captivated. Miyasaki's moving make absolutely no sense throughout but at the end there's a big payoff. But you're still having fun trying to figure out what's going on.

Inherit the Wind - 3 of 5. A replay of the Scope trial from long ago. For those of you not legally minded, that's the evolution in the schools trial. A bit over the top but I love movies like this that challenge your thinking. Roommate was ripping on it for falsifying the actual events. I do believe that's why they change the names. I still like it. Bewarned: it's an older movie in black and white.

Walk the Line - 3 of 5. Another good movie but goes a bit long. I cared nothing about Johnny Cash but love Joaquin Phoenix. I was not let down by him at all or Reese Witherspoon. They were superb. The movie drags at times. Still worth seeing it just has built in snack breaks.